Tuesday, March 11, 2008

stolen sermon

I admit up front: I stole this entry from Fr David Selzer's sermon today at the noon Eucharist.

David mentioned that the Rule of St Benedict repeatedly enjoins its followers not to grumble.
I'm a grumbler; sometimes, I 'm a professional grumbler.
So, I grumble about work being annoying, or James not putting his shoes away, or Smith the weimaraner refusing to go down the last two stairs (no clue why suddenly it freaks him out).  How can I best stop my grumbling?  Why do I actually seem to enjoy finding reasons to grumble?
Maybe the grumbling sets a good soundtrack to my daily life; maybe it's a nice way to move the day along.  And as for enjoying it?  Well, I like attention!  Who doesn't?  Sometimes I need attention even from myself!
I think that a way I can get over the grumbling might be to degrumble: find ways to pull out the positive from a grumble opportunity-at least James left just his shoes, not his shoes, coat, and bag. At least Smith isn't stopping four stairs up and jumping.  It might make me a bit Pollyannish, and I'll probably make myself puke from it, but at least I can hold my own hair when I puke (See!  I'm already turning those grumbles upside-down).

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